7 Do’s and Don’ts of Picking a WordPress Theme

CloverIT India
5 min readMar 24, 2021

Posted by Anirudh Sharma

None of us is untouched by the usability, significance, and popularity of the WordPress Powered Websites, and why not, these websites are well-organized, optimized, and appear more user-friendly than other formats! However, when it comes to making a choice of the best WordPress themes from over 10,000-plus themes, then, web developers face difficulty, as checking out all the themes isn’t confined to a few days task, rather, it would take way too long than expected. Now, wouldn’t that be great if we narrow it down for you and let you make a perfect choice? Considering this into account, hereby, we will be talking about the 7 do’s and don’ts of picking the best WordPress themes. In addition to this, we will be talking about some of the best web developers in India, who can guide you through this entire process and make the right website for your clients.

Prepare a feature list

Prior to selecting the best WordPress theme, it’s essential to mark down all the features, that are important and cannot be omitted in any case. Hereby, WordPress Feature Filter proves out to be great in conducting a customized search for free WordPress themes based on the set of features one wants. For example, if one would like to have the translation ready, then, they can go for a flexible header. WordPress developers thereby state that one must have a clear picture of the design in mind prior to making a choice.

Do not choose a Bloated Theme

While it might seem to you that choosing a template, which contains graphics, background music, gaming capabilities, and others would find you more attention and engagement, but this is not the case with the present scenario. Some of the best WordPress developers believe that choosing the best WordPress theme, which is rich-in-features is a good idea, but, if it is over-packed with more fancy features then it might deteriorate the website performance.

Say Yes to a Responsive Theme

It often happens that we get carried away with the WordPress theme that appears more alluring in a presentation context, but, this is not the scenario to consider if you have been aspiring to make the website work for you in a better way. Hereby, some of the best WordPress developers suggest that one must go ahead with the responsive WordPress theme, which would ensure that the website would work fine across all the devices, irrespective of their configuration and resolution. This means that if a user decides to access the website via mobile, then the website would align automatically with the mobile configuration and the user would be able to navigate across the website smoothly.

Choose the right color combination

Another thing to consider here is that you should choose the right color combination, which would improve the readability of the users and would make it easier for the user to access the content across the website. Likewise, the WordPress developers who have been looking for engaging more visitors over their website must keep the logo match up with the Best WordPress theme, and in addition to this, they must ensure that the text color suits the website theme and do not appear difficult for the visitors to go through it.

Choose a premium theme

For those who are on a tight budget, they might go for a theme that is free and easily available, but, hereby, what they might miss out on is lack of features, security threats, lack of support, and many others. Hereby, WordPress developers in India, believe that a premium theme is a need for the hour, which can make the entire process of website maintenance, up-gradation, testing, and development more organized and effortless. In addition to this, WordPress Development Company in India believes that by choosing a premium theme, one can have access to plenty of features, which once would have seen unmatchable.

Select the Website Font Wisely

While Arial and Helvetica are the two best WordPress themes and these two are considered as the two applicable fonts by default, but if we talk about its readability over the web, then, it’s not that good! These two fonts further come feature-packed with free WordPress themes and hereby, the developers fail to choose among these! It’s thereby recommended by some of the best WordPress developers in India to go for those fonts which appear more convenient and easy to the users over the website.

Test the Best WordPress Theme before Launch

Prior to announcing to the world about your business website, go for a rigorous website check, this can be easily done with the help of Theme Checker Plugins, which would give out the details about the website compatibility with the present WordPress standards and in addition to this, it would give details about the improvement areas, along with the real-time status of the website.


From building from the bottom up, the WordPress theme that one chooses should only have the features that will help one accomplish the objectives defined for their website and not unnecessary ones that clutter one’s theme. Hereby, choosing the best WordPress theme is obviously important, which would eventually make the content more accessible, responsive across multiple devices, against the optimized loading time. However, with so many themes in the pool, it can be a rather daunting task for WordPress Developers to pick the best one possible, and considering this fact, this blog explains the 7 do’s and don’t of picking a WordPress Theme to make the developers make the right choice. In addition to this, there are some of the best WordPress Development Companies in India, which may be chosen to make this process even more optimized, efficient, and organized. Thus, for the developers, it is highly recommended that before buying the best WordPress themes or investing your time in customizing one, be sure to check out the stated 7 do’s and don’ts, and other than this, consult some of the best WordPress developers in India to bring more clarity, certainty, and transparency into this space.

Originally published at http://blog.cloveritservices.com on March 24, 2021.



CloverIT India

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